Epidemiological and Statistical blog

2016年10月25日 星期二

隨機分派(Randomization in Experimental study)

隨機分派(randomization)為臨床試驗研究常見的研究設計。對統計方法而言,隨機分派設計能夠令統計方法的估計與推論更有效。對研究設計而言,隨機分派能具備干擾因子的有效控制,降低研究分析時可能產生的干擾作用,避免研究結果失去價值。時至今日,隨機分派設計早已是現代醫學研究,特別是臨床試驗(clinical trial)不可或缺的方法。然而這套方法卻是在20世紀早期才逐漸發展成熟,由兩位學者各自提出並推廣,對流行病學與生物統計領域的影響十分深遠,因此筆者將會介紹這兩名學者與隨機分派的關係與一些軼事,也就是Hill's and Fisher's randomization。另外,筆者也將介紹隨機分派設計的結構與做法,與其變化過的幾種型態。

Hill's randomization
Sir Austin Bradford Hill
(8 Jul 1897 – 18 Apr 1991)
在筆者談論流行病學的因果推論時,就有提到Hill爵士的貢獻(Hill's criteria in causal inference)。Hill爵士在其一生中,對醫學研究付出極大的貢獻,特別是在於醫學統計與研究設計上,Hill爵士將隨機分派的方法帶進了醫學研究領域,開啟了臨床試驗研究的新里程。

Hill爵士將他在過去發表於Lancet的一系列醫學統計的文章,彙整成一本書並於1937年發表。他在Principles of Medical Statistics一書中,提倡將隨機分派的概念放進醫學研究中,隨後也將此概念應用到肺結核桿菌的抗生素鏈黴素(streptomycin)試驗與百日咳(pertussis)疫苗的試驗計畫。然而Hill爵士對隨機分派設計的考量並不深入,這可以由他本人在1952年針對隨機分派設計的相關論述中窺見:

"It ensures that neither our personal idiosyncrasies (our likes or dislikes consciously or unwittingly applied) nor our lack of balanced judgement has entered into the construction of the different treatment groups—the allocation has been outside our control and the groups are therefore unbiased;
it removes the danger, inherent in an allocation based on personal judgement, that believing we may be biased in our judgement we endeavor to allow for that bias, to exclude it, and that in doing so we may overcompensate and by thus ‘leaning over backward’ introduce a lack of balance from the other direction;
having used a random allocation, the sternest critic is unable to say when we eventually dash into print that quite probably the groups were defferentially biased through our predilections or through our stupidity."


Variety of randomization
機分派的試驗研究,隨著後來醫學研究所面臨的各種挑戰,以及抽樣設計的不同情境,而有了許多的變化,其中常見的就包含最初發展的randomization (又稱為single randomization)、Stratified randomization、Cluster randomization、Cross-over randomization、以及Multi-center randomization。為了方便後續的討論,在此先固定分派的組別僅有兩組;治療組與對照組。
  • Randomization:隨機分派,顧名思義即為將目標族群所(target population)抽出的樣本(sample)以隨機(random)的方式進行分派。隨機的意思即令樣本的每一個個體,皆有相同機會去成為治療組(treatment group)或對照組(control group)。因此透過此隨機的方式來分派的兩組,組內個體組成的性質將會十分類似,有助於兩組的可比較性,也有利於降低許多干擾作用(confounding)。
Figure 1. Diagram of randomization design
  • Stratified randomization:當研究者在設計隨機分派時,若遇到樣本數(sample size)較少的情形,則可以考量此設計。此設計須先將樣本依照特定資訊先進行分層,再依照各分層組內進行隨機分派,之後再將各組分派後的結果整併為治療組與控制組。此設計的考量為,樣本數過少容易造成隨機分派的結果在某些資訊(例如性別、年齡等)會不均等,而這些不均等的資訊就會在後續分析時產生干擾作用,影響後續分析的結果。因此為了確保這些特定資訊可以達到均等的效果(也就是消除干擾作用),先針對特定資訊進行分層,之後在逐一進行隨機分派。
Figure 2. Diagram of stratified randomization design
  • Cluster randomization:類似於先分層再進行隨機分派的設計,同樣是當樣本數不足的情形可以考量的隨機分派設計。執行時須先將樣本區分成數個組內個體相似性高的群組(cluster),接著再以這些cluster而非個體,來進行隨機分派。此設計的作用也類似於Stratified randomization,可以協助研究者,確保在隨機分派後治療組與對照組均有非常好的可比較性。
Figure 3. Diagram of cluster randomization design
  • Cross-over randomization:此類的隨機分派設計同樣為小樣本臨床試驗研究的一種考量,與前述小樣本的隨機分派設計之最大的差別在於,此設計可在後續分析時,能增加樣本資訊,有利於統計分析。此設計在執行時,可先對樣本進行隨機分派,接著進行試驗並觀察一段時間後停藥,暫停一段適當的時間等待藥劑的效果淡化甚至消除後,再令原本的治療組使用控制組的試驗藥劑或安慰劑,令原本的控制組使用治療組的試驗藥劑。而在此cross-over的階段,也就是等待藥劑效果消除的時間,又稱為wash-out period。由此可知,cross-over randomization能適用的藥劑試驗,比起其他隨機分派設計更特定,特別是藥劑效果較短且容易不殘留的。
Figure 4. Diagram of cross-over randomization design
  • Multi-center randomization:其概念即是一種大型的隨機分派設計,此類型的設計乃收集來自數個跨地區或時區,甚至是跨國的醫院或研究場域,各自進行整合式的抽樣與隨機分派,並在分析時合併這些樣本資訊來進行推估。

Fisher's randomization
Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher
(17 Feb 1890 – 29 Jul 1962)


Fisher爵士在1919加入了Rothamsted Experimental Station,該農業試驗所是當時英國首屈一指的農業研究機構,在隨後的15年內,Fisher爵士發展了一系列撼動世界的統計理論與方法。隨機分派的概念首次出現於在1925年出版的Statistical Methods for Research Workers,隨後在1926年的The arrangement of field experiments,再次提及並進行理論基礎的延伸:

"One way of making sure that a valid estimate of error will be obtained is to arrange the plots deliberately at random, so that no distinction can creep in between pairs of plots treated alike and pairs treated differently; in such a case an estimate of error, derived in the usual way from the variation of sets of plots treated alike, may be applied to test the significance of the observed difference between the averages of plots treated differently."

而隨機分派設計較完整的成形則是在1935年發表的The Design of Experiments。Fisher爵士在書中明確地指出隨機分派的主要目的與意義,在於正確地估算出試驗過程的隨機誤差變異量(random error variance),而這個隨機誤差變異量正是Fisher爵士所提倡的的統計顯著檢定(significance tests)之核心。然而隨機分派設計並沒有自此而聲名大噪,事實上,連同Fisher爵士所處的農業試驗所,其同僚仍然對於隨機分派感到十分陌生。

"The purpose of randomisation ... is to guarantee the validity of the test of significance, this test being based on an estimate of error made possible by replication. 
Randomisation properly carried out ... relieves the experimenter from the anxiety of considering and estimating the magnitude of the innumerable causes by which his data may be disturbed."


"The theory of estimation presupposes a process of random sampling. All our conclusions within that theory rest on this basis; without it our tests of significance would be worthless. ...
In controlled experimentation it has been found not difficult to introduce explicit and objective randomisation in such a way that the tests of significance are demonstrably correct. In other cases we must still act in faith that Nature has done the randomisation for us.... 
We now recognise randomisation as a postulate necessary to the validity of our conclusions, and the modern experimenter is careful to make sure that this postulate is justified."

用詞嚴厲且毫不客氣,正如同Fisher爵士本人的性格,而這種火爆性格也導致了他與Karl Pearson之間的糾紛,最終也導致他的研究被封殺,無法投稿到當時知名的學術期刊。而如同前述,Fisher爵士所引入的隨機分派主要是用於農業試驗,也就是以耕地(plots)為單位的種植、肥料與其他農事介入的控制。此概念與Hill爵士的隨機分派是互補的,簡言之,Fisher爵士的試驗單位耕地(plots)就如同Hill爵士所試驗的個體(individual)。

  1. Hill AB. Principles of Medical Statistics. London: The Lancet, 1937.
  2. Hill AB. Memories of the British streptomycin trial in tuberculosis: the first randomized clinical trial. Control Clin Trials 1990;11:77–79.
  3. Hill AB. The clinical trial. Br Med Bull 1951;7:278–82.
  4. Hill AB. The clinical trial. New Engl J Med 1952;247:113–19.
  5. Bhatt A. Evolution of Clinical Research: A History Before and Beyond James Lind. Perspect Clin Res 2010;1(1):6–10.
  6. Armitage P. The role of randomization in clinical trials. Statistics in medicine 1982;1:345-352.
  7. Armitage P. Fisher, Bradford Hill, and randomization. Int. J. Epidemiol 2003;32(6): 925-928.
  8. Suresh KP. An overview of randomization techniques: An unbiased assessment of outcome in clinical research. J Hum Reprod Sci 2011;4(1):8–11.
  9. Fisher RA. Statistical Methods for Research Workers. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1925.
  10. Fisher RA. The arrangement of field experiments. J Ministry of Agriculture of Great Britain 1926;33:503–13.
  11. Fisher RA. The Design of Experiments. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1935.
  12. Fisher RA. Development of the theory of experimental design. Proceedings of the International Statistical Conferences 1947;3:434–39.

